To empower mankind to know that life is our own creation. that we are the cause not the effect of circumstances.  In being accountable, we reclaim personal power freeing ourselves from the resentment and hopelessness that comes from blaming and feeling victimized.  The results are a lasting sense of certainty and self confidence, which we bring to every area of our lives.


President of Gary Lalonde & Associates, Inc.

An international speaking, training and Consultant Company based in Florida.



Gary Lalonde was a top salesperson for major corporations for more than 20 years. After many years of training, personal growth and development “learning experiences” his clients now include;


- The United Auto Workers

- Chrysler Corporation

- Ford Motor Company

- General Motors Corporation

- State Farm Insurance

- Century 21 Real Estate

- Detroit Edison

- Churches throughout North America

- Blue Cross Blue Shield

- The U.S. Army

Plus, many other great companies


- Gary is a Certified Neurolinguistic instructor, graduate of Robbins Research Institute

- Master of Relaxation, graduate of Infinity Institute

- Former member of the Board of Directors of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association

- American Society of Training and Development

- Certified Professional Speaker, graduate of Floyd Wickman Institute

- Gary’s 30 years of research and training has made him an expert in how the human mind works and how it holds the secret to a successful future.



Knowledge that life is our own creation – that we are the CAUSE, not the EFFECT of circumstances.  Knowing this allows us to take responsibility for what we do and where we are going.  When we “MOLD OUR MINDS,” to have more gratitude, acceptance and sense of expectancy leads to peace and happiness in our lives.


Gary was born in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada.  He started his sales career as a door to door "salesman" at the age of six selling produce from his grandparents’ farm.  He is happily married to his pretty bride Sheryl and they reside in Florida.